Creating Believable High Fantasy Cultures

High fantasy is a genre that relies heavily on world-building

A well-crafted high fantasy world should be believable, immersive, and leave readers with a sense of wonder. One of the key components of creating a believable high fantasy world is developing unique cultures. These cultures should have their own customs, traditions, beliefs, and values that set them apart from one another. 

In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks for creating believable high fantasy cultures.

Start with the basics

Before you dive into the details of a culture, you should first establish its foundation. 

Consider the geography of the region where the culture resides, the climate, the resources available, and the history of the area. 

These factors will all play a role in shaping the culture.

Pro tip: this is why I always begin my creations with drawing a detailed map.

Consider the influences

Cultures are rarely developed in isolation. 

They are influenced by the cultures around them, as well as historical events and societal changes. Consider what influences might have shaped the culture you are creating. 

Perhaps they have been at war with a neighbouring culture for centuries, or maybe they were once a nomadic people who settled in a new land.

Look to real life cultures for ideas, a lot of our biggest cities began as centres for trade and commerce. Others developed in isolation in the mountains, or were built by wealthy rulers for their aesthetic views and scenery. For many ancient cities they were built in places of power where they could worship their gods and make offerings.

Develop unique customs and traditions

One of the best ways to make a culture feel believable is to develop unique customs and traditions. 

These could be anything from a yearly festival that celebrates a specific event to a coming-of-age ceremony that marks a person's transition into adulthood. Make sure that these customs and traditions are consistent and fit with the overall tone of the culture.

Again, if you’re struggling for idea, look to real life customs and traditions before putting your own unique spin on things.

Create a distinct language

Language is an important aspect of any culture. 

Consider developing a distinct language or dialect for the culture you are creating. This can help to establish the culture as unique and separate from others in your world.

You don’t need to go to the same level and Tolkien did, and simply having reference to other languages and writings can be enough.

Consider the social structure

The social structure of a culture can be just as important as its customs and traditions. 

Consider things like the roles of men and women, social classes, and the distribution of wealth. These factors can all influence the way people behave and interact with one another.

Sometimes, simply having a rich, middle, and poor class can be enough. But if you really want to bring the readers into your world try a little harder

Develop unique beliefs and values

The beliefs and values of a culture can have a significant impact on its members. 

Consider developing unique beliefs and values for the culture you are creating. These could be anything from a belief in the power of the natural world to a strong emphasis on honour and duty.

Is your culture one that worships gods, or spirits? 

Is it one god or a pantheon? 

Do they revere justice and honour? 

Or do they believe that anarchy is the answer?

Show, don't tell

When introducing a new culture, it can be tempting to dump a lot of information on the reader all at once. 

However, this can be overwhelming and detract from the immersive experience. Instead, try to show the culture in action. This could be through a character's interactions with members of the culture or through descriptions of customs and traditions.

I’ve said this multiple times: it’s important to show these things through interactions and events, don’t just state it like a narrator. 



Brah was a man from Galdohine, this was obvious by the circular medallion on a chain around his neck that depicted the religious symbol of Sol, their sun deity.


Brah relaxed in the sunshine, closing his eyes he looked to the sky and whispered under his breath. He smiled as he then brought the round medallion that hung on a chain around his neck to his lips. Kissing the golden symbols of Sol he said aloud: “Praise to the Sun and all who walk in its rays.”

Be consistent

Consistency is key when creating a believable high fantasy culture. 

Make sure that the customs, traditions, language, beliefs, and values are all consistent throughout your writing. This will help to establish the culture as a unique and separate entity.

Having a written journal will help with this as you can write down words and phrases for your language, or other notes about your cultures that you can refer to later.


Creating a believable high fantasy culture can be a daunting task, but by following these tips and tricks, you can create a culture that is immersive, unique, and believable. 

Remember to start with the basics, consider the influences, develop unique customs and traditions, create a distinct language, consider the social structure, develop unique beliefs and values, show, don't tell, and be consistent. 

With these tools in your arsenal, you can create a culture that will leave readers with a sense of wonder and a desire to explore more of your world.

Til next time.

If you want to learn more about building a believable and immersive fantasy world in your writing check out my other posts:

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