Crime in Me'tra

Our society’s great constant. That which started as a small infection quickly mutated into a vicious disease that preyed upon the weak and gullible.
Crime’s rapid development inevitably birthed our justice system to curtail the mass populace into adherence. An adherence disguised as law and order; a moral standing so that all can live in harmony and peace. And thus that control grew more powerful and the people willingly surrendered their freedoms for the illusion of security and protection.
As our nation expanded and developed crime persisted, lingering in the shadow of our monstrous city buildings, thriving among the less fortunate and spreading like a sickness throughout humanity. Crime’s corroding nature has even seeped into the law and order that was first designed to keep it at bay. Our justice system has now become but a tool for crime to use to decay civilisation.
As an officer of the law, in the service of this great city of Me’tra, I try to stem the unending force of crime, but I am only one person. What could I possibly hope to achieve?

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Being Real

What does it mean to be real?

To be human?

Is it our ability to think and reason? To feel? Or to create?

Perhaps it is merely our bodies that define us as human; as real.

Kusan lost both her legs and one of her arms when she was young. Her limbs were replaced with prosthetics that allow her to function far better than she did before.
Do such enhancements make her more than human?

Detective Kusan’s latest case bring such questions to the forefront of her mind as she tracks down a psychopath killing people for their organs.

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New Beginnings

The disappearance of a young woman, who had become obsessed with the occult, takes Detective Kusan out of the city of Me'tra and far to the south. At the Hells Gates are sprawling camps spread through the desert ravines where thousands of refugees live, fleeing from the war in the south. It is in this nest of the desperate and vipers alike that Kusan finds far more than she expected.

When the worlds of occult magic and the technological empire built by the Wynar collide, there can only be one outcome.

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The Greater Evil

The death of a congressman’s wife seems like a standard robbery gone wrong. But as Kusan and Vhindr investigate, an intricate web of deception and intrigue opens up around them.

Will infamous assassins, The Cartel, and a devilish mastermind prevent Kusan from finding the culprits behind this murder?

Perhaps as she works with Vhindr on this case, she will have the chance to learn more about his mysterious past. But will Kusan like what she discovers?

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Detective Kusan’s latest case is a series of old murders where all the evidence points to none other than Vhindr Varrintine as being the killer.
To make matters worse Vhindr has vanished, making him seem even more guilty of the crimes. As Kusan pursues the case and searches for Vhindr much of the enigmatic man’s past come to light.
Who is Vhindr Varrintine? Where did he come from? Why is he in Me’tra?
The answer to these questions will be found amidst a deadly game of cat and mouse created by Kusan’s nemesis, The Keyboard King.

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The Weak Die Hard

A murder in the game arena during the annual competition to be crowned champion send Detective Kusan on a cryptic journey into the world of a professional athlete in Me'tra.
Not everything in an athlete's life is hard work, talent, and popularity, in fact there is a good deal of backstabbing, cheating and discrimination to be had as well. For the Wynar who cannot keep up with the subterfuge is bound to meet an untimely end. But in this case the one who was murdered was the favourite to win, and a veteran of many competitions. How and why did this former champion meet his end? Detective Kusan will find out.

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Save Me

Right and Wrong.

Good and Bad.

These concepts have held the fabric of society together for millennia, and as an officer of the law it is Kusan's duty to see that the distinction between the two are clear and defined. So what happens when they no longer are?

What happens when she is faced with shades of grey? Will Detective Kusan uphold the laws like she has done for years, or will she compromise that which should be so clearly defined?

Her latest case will push he to the very edge, and over it ...

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