Top Reviews

  • A pleasant surprise. Would recommend

    Considering this is a first offering from a relatively unknown author, I had my expectations set accordingly.

    However, page by page the author won me over with his detailed and descriptive writing style, well-developed lore and universe, and complex characters.

    Looking forward to the future instalments.

    5 out of 5 Stars

    -Nigel Thomas

  • Classic Fantasy at its Finest

    Description This is great!

    I really got engaged with the characters and the plot. It feels like an old classic like Lord of the Rings or The Crystal Shade with a new edginess to it.

    Definitely recommend !

    4 out of 5 Stars


  • Better than Most

    A surprisingly good read. The dialogue is very well written and the world and characters feel like they have a real history to them. The plot is pretty grabbing and the action scenes are really well done.

    Would recommend

    4 out of 5 Stars


“I hope you all enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoyed writing them” - Kaeleb LD Appleby

A little About the Author

Born in outback Australia, Kaeleb started writing at a young age. But it was not until he was studying at University that he penned his first triumphant success - Chaos of Choice.

Building on that success he next wrote the stories of Detective Kusan in the Crime in Me’tra series - a far different genre to previous books the drew the reader into a dark and somber sci-fi world filled with crime and mystery.

He now has over a dozen titles to his name with more in the works.

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